Pedagogy Publications

Call for Blog Posts: Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language

The North American Association of Teachers of Polish would like to invite submissions to a new blog series: Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language. Leverage your experience in Polish as a foreign language (PFL) teaching and have your blog essay featured on our website! We are looking for authors from various backgrounds, including colleges and […]

Conferences and Events

Fall 2024 NAATPl Lecture: Kultura popularna w nauczania języka polskiego

As popular culture expands through TV shows, social media, and video games, Polish-language students are increasingly engaged with these trends. This provides language instructors with a valuable opportunity to make their lessons more relevant and engaging. In this event, Dr. Piotr Kajak (University of Warsaw) will share practical strategies for integrating elements of popular culture […]

Conferences and Events

Fall 2024 NAATPl Event: ChatGPT and AI in the Polish Language Classroom

Recent advancements in large-language models and artificial intelligence (AI), including but not limited to ChatGPT, have disrupted the language teaching landscape for both language teachers and students. To that end, we invite all Polish language teachers to share their activities, tips, and experiences from using artificial intelligence at our upcoming jarmark (virtual fair share) on the use of […]


Call for Papers: (Re)Using Old Textbooks in the Polish Language Classroom Today

Old textbooks are often obsolete in their portrayal of contemporary Polish society, ranging from topics such as traditional cuisine, rapid changes in technology, living standards, and ending with different forms of inequality and traditional gender roles. Yet, the textbooks provide a historical perspective, allowing students to explore the evolution of the Polish language in its […]


Blended Courses Ease Shift to Virtual Instruction by Izolda Wolski-Moskoff

(This entry was originally posted on the Center for Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, The Ohio State University, website here.) Throughout the semester, my students often expressed appreciation with the way the Polish language classes were taught and how so much material had already been moved online. While teaching in new circumstances was not without problems […]