
Blog: Authentic Online Materials in Polish Classes by Izolda Wolski-Moskoff

Under the current circumstances, many of us have been searching the Internet for materials useful for online teaching. Whether your classes are synchronous, hybrid, or partially asynchronous, you might be on the lookout for something new, different, or fresh that will invigorate your classes and engage your students. Research shows that authentic materials might do […]


Blog: Blended Courses Ease Shift to Virtual Instruction by Izolda Wolski-Moskoff

(This entry was originally posted on the Center for Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, The Ohio State University, website here.) Throughout the semester, my students often expressed appreciation with the way the Polish language classes were taught and how so much material had already been moved online. While teaching in new circumstances was not without problems […]


Who We Are

Our mission is to create and maintain an active community of Polish language teachers in North America and to promote excellence in language teaching, learning, and research. As a professional organization, we are interested in all aspects concerning the teaching of Polish as a foreign language, or Polish as a foreign language (PFL) teaching, including: