University of Warsaw profile

North American Association of Teachers of Polish
Justyna Zych is an assistant professor and deputy director at the Polonicum Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners at the University of Warsaw. She is also a member of the Team of Polish Language Abroad at the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), an expert of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA), and a chair of the exams of Polish as a foreign language issued by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
She completed her PhD in Literary Studies and two MAs in Polish Philology and French Philology at the University of Warsaw. At Polonicum, she teaches Polish culture and literature to foreign students in Polish and English as well as Polish as a second language. She also conducts lectures and workshops for future teachers of Polish language and culture at the postgraduate program, of which she is the head.
Dr. Zych published a monograph “L’Influence de la psychanalyse sur la critique littéraire en France (1914-1939)” and numerous articles on contemporary Polish and French literature and methodology of teaching culture. She also edited two collective volumes on literature. She is editor-in-chief of the publishing series “Studia Glottodydaktyczne.”
Her research interests include Polish and French literature of the 20th and 21st centuries, the question of cultural otherness in literature, images of Warsaw in Polish culture, literary anthropology, psychoanalysis in literary criticism, literature in foreign language teaching, and the intercultural approach to foreign language teaching.